
Plans for today

Good morning. I’m looking forward to today. I feel motivated to do stuff and also have a couple of plans for today. I believe my main drive is that I have plans, I have things to do that I’m excited about. One of these things is trying to take a photo every day. There...

There is so much to do,

so much, that i would love to do but limited time and therefore I try to rush to a result, I want quick results, because I feel like I’m behind, that I’m missing out on stuff. For one this causes me anxiety, also makes me nervous when I’m not progressing. Every time I’m not...

A night out

I wanted to create a small photo series, presenting a single story. The goal was to have a couple, like 5-7 pictures that relate to each other and tell a story together. So when we decided on going on a date to this new place in Veszprem on a Saturday evening, I knew this...

Feeling a little bit bad,

because I haven’t worked on my photos, or my editing skills, or my collection. When I arrived home I was rather tired and perhaps a bit annoyed. I was kind of motivated to do something, but at the same time I felt tired… So i thought, I might not do anything productive tonight, just...

A little scary story

The clock hit 12 when she heard the noise in the far end of the room. She tried to turn on the lamp again. Click. There was still no electricity following the afternoon storm. Only a shimmer of light coming from the city centre illuminated the room. Her eyes were open, as wide as...